We Are Your Favourite Store

Tea business was started by my father initially in 1977 with a small store in Golaghat town itself where we started by selling loose tea. When I was twelve years old I first took an interest in the business and so along with my schooling I started marketing our loose tea in the nearby town areas for small vendors and shopkeepers. In 1993 right after my graduation we started packaging of tea with a brand name of Golden Eagle. It was around this time when my father and I started tasting of tea to help us understand more about our customers. Being a tea taster myself our emphasis has always been on providing the best quality tea to our customers.

Currently along with our own packaging unit we are supplying loose tea on commission basis to some of the biggest names in the Industry like Mohani Tea Leaves (UP), Rajani group of Industries (Gujrat), Vikram Tea Processors (MAHARASTRA), Madhujayanti International (Exporter), Neelam groups (Gujrat), Shree Jain Enterprises (Jaipur) and many more.

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Numbers Speak
For Ourselves!

4800 +
Items Sold
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We Deal With Various Categories of Tea!

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